

Anti-insect plastic technology

d2p anti-insect masterbatch is included during the manufacturing stage and kills insects by changing the character of the plastic. It is not sprayed or painted on the surface, so it remains effective against insects for the life of the product.

Insect Vectors:

Many dangerous diseases are spread by insects. Viruses, like Zika virus, Dengue virus & Nile virus and malaria. These are very difficult  to deal with after they have  entered the human body, so we need to control the insects which spread the diseases

Example of pests controlled: Mosquitoes, Weevils; Moths; Ticks, Caterpillars; Mites; Bollworm; Budworm; Green mirid; Cutworms; Aphids; Wireworms, etc.

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Kills insects by embedding the insecticide within the plastic. It is not sprayed or painted on the surface, so it remains effective against insects for the life of the plastic product



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